ParaView is a data visualisation and analysis package.
Whilst ARCHER2 compute or login nodes do not have graphics cards installed
in them, ParaView is installed so the visualisation libraries and applications
can be used to post-process simulation data. The ParaView server (pvserver
batch application (pvbatch
), and the Python interface (pvpython
are all available. Users are able to run the server on the compute nodes
and connect to a local ParaView client running on their own computer.
Useful links
Using ParaView on ARCHER2
ParaView is available through the paraview
module load paraview
Once the module has been added, the ParaView executables, tools, and libraries will be available.
Connecting to pvserver on ARCHER2
For doing visualisation, you should connect to pvserver
from a local
ParaView client running on your own computer.
You should make sure the version of ParaView you have installed locally is the same as the one on ARCHER2 (current default is version 5.13.0).
The following instructions are for running pvserver in an interactive job. Start an iteractive job using:
srun --nodes=1 --exclusive --time=00:20:00 \
--partition=standard --qos=short --pty /bin/bash
Once the job starts the command prompt will change to show you are now on the compute node, e.g.:
Then load the ParaView module and start pvserver
with the srun
auser@nid001023:/work/t01/t01/auser> module load paraview
auser@nid001023:/work/t01/t01/auser> srun --overlap --oversubscribe -n 4 \
> pvserver --mpi --force-offscreen-rendering
Waiting for client...
Connection URL: cs://nid001023:11111
Accepting connection(s): nid001023:11111
The previous example uses 4 compute cores to run pvserver
. You can
increase the number of cores in case the visualisation does not run
smoothly. Please bear in mind that, depending on the testcase, a large
number of compute cores can lead to an out-of-memory runtime error.
In a separate terminal you can now set up an SSH tunnel with the node
ID and port number which the pvserver
is using, e.g.:
ssh -L 11111:nid001023:11111
enter your password and passphrase as usual.
You can then connect from your local client using the following connection settings:
Name: archer2
Server Type: Client/Server
Host: localhost
Port: 11111
The Host from the local client should be set to "localhost" when using the
SSH tunnel. The "Name" field can be set to a name of your choosing.
11111 is the default port for pvserver
If it has connected correctly, you should see the following:
Waiting for client...
Connection URL: cs://nid001023:11111
Accepting connection(s): nid001023:11111
Client connected.
Using batch-mode (pvbatch)
A pvbatch
script can be run in a standard job script. For example
the following will run on a single node:
# Slurm job options (job-name, compute nodes, job time)
#SBATCH --job-name=example_paraview_job
#SBATCH --time=0:20:00
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=128
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
# Replace [budget code] below with your budget code (e.g. t01)
#SBATCH --account=[budget code]
#SBATCH --partition=standard
#SBATCH --qos=standard
module load paraview
# Ensure the cpus-per-task option is propagated to srun commands
srun --distribution=block:block --hint=nomultithread pvbatch
Compiling ParaView
The latest instructions for building ParaView on ARCHER2 may be found in the GitHub repository of build instructions: