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CASINO is not available as central install/module on ARCHER2 at this time. This page provides tips on using CASINO on ARCHER2 for users who have obtained their own copy of the code.


CASINO is not part of the officially supported software on ARCHER2. While the ARCHER2 service desk is able to provide support for basic use of this software (e.g. access to software, writing job submission scripts) it does not generally provide detailed technical support for the software and you may be directed to seek support from other places if the service desk cannot answer the questions.

CASINO is a computer program system for performing quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) electronic structure calculations that has been developed by a group of researchers initially working in the Theory of Condensed Matter group in the Cambridge University physics department, and their collaborators, over more than 20 years. It is capable of calculating incredibly accurate solutions to the Schrödinger equation of quantum mechanics for realistic systems built from atoms.

Compiling CASINO on ARCHER2

You should use the linuxpc-gcc-slurm-parallel.archer2 configuration that is supplied along with the CASINO source code to build on ARCHER2 and ensure that you build the "Shm" (System-V shared memory) version of the code.


The linuxpc-cray-slurm-parallel.archer2 configuration produces a binary that crashes with a segfault and should not be used.


The performance of CASINO on ARCHER2 is critically dependent on three things:

  • The MPI transport layer used: UCX is required for good scaling to multiple nodes
  • The number of cores that share System-V shared memory segments: 8 or 16 cores are the best performing choices. If memory efficiency is critical, then 32 cores gives good performance. More than 32 cores sharing a memory segment gives poor performance.
  • Ensuring that MPI processes are pinned to cores in a sequential manner so cores that are sharing shared memory segments are located as close to each other as possible.

Next, we show how to make sure that the MPI transport layer is set to UCX, how to set the number of cores sharing the System-V shared memory segments and how to pin MPI processes sequentially to cores.

Finally, we provide a job submission script that demonstrates all these options together.

Setting the MPI transport layer to UCX

In your job submission script that runs CASINO you switch to using UCX as the MPI transport layer by including the following lines before you run CASINO (i.e. before the srun command that launches the CASINO executable):

module load PrgEnv-gnu
module load craype-network-ucx
module load cray-mpich-ucx

Setting the number of cores sharing memory

In your job submission script you set the number of cores sharing memory segments by setting the CASINO_NUMABLK environment variable before you run CASINO. For example, to specify that there should be shared memory segments each shared between 16 cores, you would use:



If you do not set CASINO_NUMABLK then CASINO will use the default of all cores on a node (the equivalent of setting it to 128) which will give very poor performance so you should always set this environment variable. Setting CASINO_NUMABLK to 8 or 16 cores gives the best performance. 32 cores is acceptable if you want to maximise memory efficiency. Using 64 and 128 gives poor performance.

Pinning MPI processes sequentially to cores

For shared memory segments to work efficiently MPI processes must be pinned sequentially to cores on compute nodes (so that cores sharing memory are close in the node memory hierarchy). To do this, you add the following options to the srun command in your job script that runs the CASINO executable:

--distribution=block:block --hint=nomultithread

Example CASINO job submission script

The following script will run a CASINO job using 16 nodes (2048 cores).


# Request 16 nodes with 128 MPI tasks per node for 20 minutes
#SBATCH --job-name=CASINO
#SBATCH --nodes=16
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=128
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
#SBATCH --time=00:20:00

# Replace [budget code] below with your project code (e.g. t01)
#SBATCH --account=[budget code]
#SBATCH --partition=standard
#SBATCH --qos=standard

# Ensure we are using UCX as the MPI transport layer
module load PrgEnv-gnu
module load craype-network-ucx
module load cray-mpich-ucx

# Set CASINO to share memory across 16 core blocks

# Ensure the cpus-per-task option is propagated to srun commands

# Set the location of the CASINO executable - this must be on /work
#   Replace this with the path to your compiled CASINO binary

# Launch CASINO with MPI processes pinned to cores in a sequential order
srun --distribution=block:block --hint=nomultithread ${CASINO_EXE}

CASINO performance on ARCHER2

We have run the benzene_dimer benchmark on ARCHER2 with the following configuration:

  • Compiler arch: linuxpc-gcc-slurm-parallel.archer2, "Shm" version
  • Compiler: GCC 10.2.0
  • MPI Library: HPE Cray MPICH 8.1.4
  • MPI transport layer: UCX
  • 128 MPI processes per node

Timings are reported as time taken for 100 equilibration steps in DMC calculation.


Nodes Time taken (s) Speedup
1 289.90 1.0
2 154.93 1.9
4 81.06 3.6
8 41.44 7.0
16 23.16 12.5