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MUMPS is a parallel solver for large sparse systems and features a 'multifrontal' method and is developed largely at CERFCAS, ENS Lyon, IRIT Toulouse, INRIA, and the University of Bordeaux. It is provided free of charge and is largely under a CeCILL-C license.

Compiling and linking with MUMPS

  • module load mumps

To compile an application against the MUMPS libraries, load the mumps module and use the compiler wrappers cc, CC, and ftn in the usual way.

MUMPS is configured to allow Pord, Metis, Parmetis, and Scotch orderings.

Two versions of MUMPS are provided: one with, and one without, OpenMP. The relevant version will be selected if the relevant option is included at the compile stage.

The mumps module defines MUMPS_DIR which locates the root of the installation for the current programming environment.

Version history

  • Module mumps/5.5.1 installed as default May 2023 (PE 22.12)
  • Module mumps/5.3.5 recompiled May 2023 (PE 22.12)

Note: mumps/5.5.1 uses scotch/7.0.3 while mumps/5.3.5 uses scotch/6.1.0.

  • Module mumps/5.3.5 installed October 2021 (PE 21.04)
  • Module mumps/5.2.1 installed January 2021

Known issues: The OpenMP version in PrgEnv-aocc is not available at the moment.

Compiling your own version

The current supported version of MUMPS on Archer2 can be compiled using a script available from the Archer githug repository.

$ git clone
$ cd pe-scripts
$ git checkout modules-2022-12
$ ./sh/tpsl/ --prefix=/path/to/install/location
$ ./sh/tpsl/ --prefix=/path/to/install/location
$ ./sh/tpsl/ --prefix=/path/to/install/location
$ ./sh/tpsl/ --prefix=/path/to/install/location
where the --prefix option should be the same for MUMPS at the three dependencies (Metis, Parmetis, and Scotch Version 7). See the Archer2 github repository for further options and details.


The MUMPS home page

MUMPS user manual (Version 5.6, pdf)