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Darshan is a scalable HPC I/O characterization tool. Darshan is designed to capture an accurate picture of application I/O behavior, including properties such as patterns of access within files, with minimum overhead. The name is taken from a Sanskrit word for "sight" or "vision".

Darshan is developed at the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility (ALCF)

Useful links:

Using Darshan on ARCHER2

Using Darshan generally consists of two stages:

  1. Collect IO profile data using the Darshan runtime
  2. Analysing Darshan log files using Darshan utility software

Collecting IO profile data

To collect IO profile data you add the command:

module load darshan

to your job submission script as the last module command before you run your program. As Darshan does not distinguish between different software run in your job submission script, we typically recommand that you use a structure like:

module load darshan
srun ...usual software launch options...
module remove darshan

This will avoid Darshan profiling IO for operations that are not part of your main parallel program.


There may be some periods when Darshan monitoring is enabled by default for all users. During these periods, you can disable Darshan monitoring by adding the command module remove darshan to your job submission script. Periods of Darshan monitoring will be noted on the ARCHER2 Service Status page.


The darshan module is dependent on the compiler environment you are using and you should ensure that you load the darshan module that matches the compiler environment you used to compile the program you are analysing. For example, if your software was compiled using PrgEnv-gnu, then you would need to activate the GCC compiler environment before loading the darshan module to ensure you get the GCC version of Darshan. This means loading the correct PrgEnv- module before you load the darshan module:

module load PrgEnv-gnu
module load darshan
srun ...usual software launch options...
module remove darshan

Location of Darshan profile logs

Darshan writes all profile logs to a shared location on the ARCHER2 NVMe Lustre file system. You can find your profile logs at:


where YYYY/MM/DD correspond to the date on which your job ran.

Analysing Darshan profile logs

The simplest way to analyse the profile log files is to use the darshan-parser utility on the ARCHER2 login nodes. You make the Darshan analysis utilities available with the command:

module load darshan-util

Once this is loaded, you can produce and IO performance summary from a profile log file with:

darshan-parser --perf /path/to/darshan/log/file.darshan

You can get a dump of all data in the Darshan profile log by omitting the --perf option, e.g.:

darshan-parser /path/to/darshan/log/file.darshan


The and utilities do not work on ARCHER2 as the required graphical packages are not currently available.

Documentation on the Darshan analysis utilities are available at: