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Data analysis

As well as being used for scientific simulations, ARCHER2 can also be used for data pre-/post-processing and analysis. This page provides an overview of the different options for doing so.

Using the login nodes

The easiest way to run non-computationally intensive data analysis is to run directly on the login nodes. However, please remember that the login nodes are a shared resource and should not be used for long-running tasks.

Example: Running an R script on a login node

module load cray-R
Rscript example.R

Using the compute nodes

If running on the login nodes is not feasible (e.g. due to memory requirements or computationally intensive analysis), the compute nodes can also be used for data analysis.


This is a more expensive option, as you will be charged for using the entire node, even though your analysis may only be using one core.

Example: Running an R script on a compute node

#SBATCH --job-name=data_analysis
#SBATCH --time=0:10:0
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1

#SBATCH --account=[budget code]
#SBATCH --partition=standard
#SBATCH --qos=standard

module load cray-R

Rscript example.R

An advantage of this method is that you can use Job chaining to automate the process of analysing your output data once your compute job has finished.

Using interactive jobs

For more interactive analysis, it may be useful to use salloc to reserve a compute node on which to do your analysis. This allows you to run jobs directly on the compute nodes from the command line without using a job submission script. More information on interactive jobs can be found here.

Example: Reserving a single node for 20 minutes for interactive analysis

auser@ln01:> salloc --nodes=1 --ntasks-per-node=1 --cpus-per-task=1 \
                --time=00:20:00 --partition=standard --qos=short \
                --account=[budget code]


If you want to run for longer than 20 minutes, you will need to use a different QoS as the maximum runtime for the short QoS is 20 mins.

Data analysis nodes

The data analysis nodes on the ARCHER2 system are designed for large compilations, post-calculation analysis and data manipulation. They should be used for jobs which are too small to require a whole compute node, but which would have an adverse impact on the operation of the login nodes if they were run interactively.

Unlike compute nodes, the data analysis nodes are able to access the home, work, and the RDFaaS file systems. They can also be used to transfer data from a remote system to ARCHER2 and vice versa (using e.g. scp or rsync). This can be useful when transferring large amounts of data that might take hours to complete.

Requesting resources on the data analysis nodes using Slurm

The ARCHER2 data analysis nodes can be reached by using the serial partition and the serial QoS. Unlike other nodes on ARCHER2, you may only request part of a single node and you will likely be sharing the node with other users.

The data analysis nodes are set up such that you can specify the number of cores you want to use (up to 32 physical cores) and the amount of memory you want for your job (up to 125 GB). You can have multiple jobs running on the data analysis nodes at the same time, but the total number of cores used by those jobs cannot exceed 32, and the total memory used by jobs currently running from a single user cannot exceed 125 GB -- any jobs above this limit will remain pending until your previous jobs are finished.

You do not need to specify both number of cores and memory for jobs on the data analysis nodes. By default, you will get 1984 MiB of memory per core (which is a little less than 2 GB), when specifying cores only, and 1 core when specifying the memory only.


Each data analysis node is fitted with 512 GB of memory. However, a small amount of this memory is needed for system processes, which is why we set an upper limit of 125 GB per user (a user is limited to one quarter of the RAM on a node). This is also why the per-core default memory allocation is slightly less than 2 GB.


When running on the data analysis nodes, you must always specify either the number of cores you want, the amount of memory you want, or both. The examples shown below specify the number of cores with the --ntasks flag and the memory with the --mem flag. If you are only wanting to specify one of the two, please remember to delete the other one.

Example: Running a serial batch script on the data analysis nodes

A Slurm batch script for the data analysis nodes looks very similar to one for the compute nodes. The main differences are that you need to use --partition=serial and --qos=serial, specify the number of tasks (rather than the number of nodes) and/or specify the amount of memory you want. For example, to use a single core and 4 GB of memory, you would use something like:


# Slurm job options (job-name, job time)
#SBATCH --job-name=data_analysis
#SBATCH --time=0:20:0
#SBATCH --ntasks=1

# Replace [budget code] below with your budget code (e.g. t01)
#SBATCH --account=[budget code]
#SBATCH --partition=serial
#SBATCH --qos=serial

# Define memory required for this jobs. By default, you would
# get just under 2 GB, but you can ask for up to 125 GB.
#SBATCH --mem=4G

# Set the number of threads to 1
#   This prevents any threaded system libraries from automatically
#   using threading.

module load cray-python


Interactive session on the data analysis nodes

There are two ways to start an interactive session on the data analysis nodes: you can either use salloc to reserve a part of a data analysis node for interactive jobs; or, you can use srun to open a terminal on the node and run things on the node directly. You can find out more information on the advantages and disadvantages of both of these methods in the Running jobs on ARCHER2 section of the User and Best Practice Guide.

Using salloc for interactive access

You can reserve resources on a data analysis node using salloc. For example, to request 1 core and 4 GB of memory for 20 minutes, you would use:

auser@ln01:~> salloc --time=00:20:00 --partition=serial --qos=serial \
                    --account=[budget code] --ntasks=1 \

When you submit this job, your terminal will display something like:

salloc: Pending job allocation 523113
salloc: job 523113 queued and waiting for resources
salloc: job 523113 has been allocated resources
salloc: Granted job allocation 523113
salloc: Waiting for resource configuration
salloc: Nodes dvn01 are ready for job


It may take some time for your interactive job to start. Once it runs you will enter a standard interactive terminal session (a new shell). Note that this shell is still on the front end (the prompt has not changed). Whilst the interactive session lasts you will be able to run jobs on the data analysis nodes by issuing the srun command directly at your command prompt. The maximum number of cores and memory you can use is limited by resources requested in the salloc command (or by the defaults if you did not explicitly ask for particular amounts of resource).

Your session will end when you hit the requested walltime. If you wish to finish before this you should use the exit command - this will return you to your prompt before you issued the salloc command.

Using srun for interactive access

You can get a command prompt directly on the data analysis nodes by using the srun command directly. For example, to reserve 1 core and 8 GB of memory, you would use:

auser@ln01:~> srun   --time=00:20:00 --partition=serial --qos=serial \
                    --account=[budget code]    \
                    --ntasks=1 --mem=8G \
                    --pty /bin/bash

The --pty /bin/bash will cause a new shell to be started on the data analysis node. (This is perhaps closer to what many people consider an 'interactive' job than the method using the salloc method described above.)

One can now issue shell commands in the usual way.

When finished, type exit to relinquish the allocation and control will be returned to the front end.

By default, the interactive shell will retain the environment of the parent. If you want a clean shell, remember to specify the --export=none option to the srun command.

Visualising data using the data analysis nodes using X

You can view data on the data analysis nodes by starting an interactive srun session with the --x11 flag to export the X display back to your local system. For 1 core with * GB of memory:

auser@ln01:~> srun   --time=00:20:00 --partition=serial --qos=serial  \
                        --hint=nomultithread --account=[budget code]    \
                        --ntasks=1 --mem=8G --x11 --pty /bin/bash


Data visualisation on ARCHER2 is only possible if you used the -X or -Y flag to the ssh command when when logging in to the system.

Using Singularity

Singularity can be useful for data analysis, as sites such as DockerHub or SingularityHub contain many pre-built images of data analysis tools that can be simply downloaded and used on ARCHER2. More information about Singularity on ARCHER2 can be found in the Containers section section of the User and Best Practice Guide.

Data analysis tools

Useful tools for data analysis can be found on the Data Analysis and Tools page.