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Data migration from ARCHER to ARCHER2

This short guide explains how to move data from the ARCHER service to the ARCHER2 service.

We have also created a walkthrough video to guide you.


This section assumes that you have an active ARCHER and ARCHER2 account, and that you have successfully logged in to both accounts.


Unlike normal access, ARCHER to ARCHER2 transfer has been set up to require only one form of authentication. You will not need to generate a new SSH key pair to transfer data from ARCHER to ARCHER2 as your password will suffice.

First, login to the ARCHER(1) (making sure to change auser to your username):


Then, combine important research data into a single archive file using the following command:

tar -czf all_my_files.tar.gz file1.txt file2.txt directory1/

Please be selective -- the more data you want to transfer, the more time it will take.

From ARCHER in particular, in order to get the best transfer performance, we need to access a newer version of the SSH program. We do this by loading the openssh module:

module load openssh

Begin the data transfer from ARCHER to ARCHER2 using rsync:

rsync -Pv -e"ssh -c" \


Notice that the hostname for data transfer from ARCHER to ARCHER2 is not the usual login address. Instead, you use This address has been configured to allow higher performance data transfer and to allow access to ARCHER with password only with no SSH key required.

When running this command, you will be prompted to enter your ARCHER2 password. Enter it and the data transfer will begin. Also, remember to replace a2user with your ARCHER2 username, and t01 with the budget associated with that username.

The use of the -P flag to allow partial transfer -- the same command could be used to restart the transfer after a loss of connection. The -e flag allows specification of the ssh command - we have used this to add the location of the identity file. The -c option specifies the cipher to be used as aes128-gcm which has been found to increase performance. Unfortunately the ~ shortcut is not correctly expanded, so we have specified the full path. We move our research archive to our project work directory on ARCHER2.

Transferring data using scp

If you are unconcerned about being able to restart an interrupted transfer, you could instead use the scp command,

scp -c all_my_files.tar.gz \

but rsync is recommended for larger transfers.


Notice that the hostname for data transfer from ARCHER to ARCHER2 is not the usual login address. Instead, you use This address has been configured to allow higher performance data transfer and to allow access to ARCHER with password only with no SSH key required.