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ARCHER2 Known Issues

This section highlights known issues on ARCHER2, their potential impacts and any known workarounds. Many of these issues are under active investigation by HPE Cray and the wider service.


This page was last reviewed on 9 November 2023

Open Issues

ATP Module tries to write to /home from compute nodes (Added: 2024-04-29)

The ATP Module tries to execute a mkdir command in the /home filesystem. When running the ATP module on the compute nodes, this will lead to an error, as the compute nodes cannot access the /home filesystem.

To circumvent the error, add the line:

export HOME=${HOME/home/work}

in the slurm script, so that the ATP module will write to /work instead.

When close to storage quota, jobs may slow down or produce corrupted files (Added: 2024-02-27)

For situations where users are close to user or project quotas on work (Lustre) file systems we have seen cases of the following behaviour:

  • Jobs run very slowly as IO slows down
  • IO calls seem to complete successfully but not all data is written (so output is corrupted)
  • No "disk quota exceeded" error is seen

If you see these symptoms: slower than expected performance, data corruption; then you should check if you are close to your storage quota (either user or project quota). If you are, you may be experiencing this issue. Either remove data to free up space or request more storage quota.

e-mail alerts from Slurm do not work (Added: 2023-11-09)

Email alerts from Slurm (--mail-type and --mail-user options) do not produce emails to users. We are investigating with Universtiy of Edinburgh Information Services to enable this Slurm feature in the future.

Excessive memory use when using UCX communications protocol (Added: 2023-07-20)

We have seen cases when using the (non-default) UCX communications protocol where the peak in memory use is much higher than would be expected. This leads to jobs failing unexpectedly with an OOM (Out Of Memory) error. The workaround is to use Open Fabrics (OFI) communication protocol instead. OFI is the default protocol on ARCHER2 and so does not usually need to be explicitly loaded; but if you have UCX loaded, you can switch to OFI by adding the following lines to your submission script before you run your application:

module load craype-network-ofi
module load cray-mpich

It can be very useful to track the memory usage of your job as it runs, for example to see whether there is high usage on all nodes, or a single node, if usage increases gradually or rapidly etc.

Here are instructions on how to do this using a couple of small scripts.

Slurm --cpu-freq=X option is not respected when used with sbatch (Added: 2023-01-18)

If you specify the CPU frequency using the --cpu-freq option with the sbatch command (either using the script #SBATCH --cpu-freq=X method or the --cpu-freq=X option directly) then this option will not be respected as the default setting for ARCHER2 (2.0 GHz) will override the option. You should specify the --cpu-freq option to srun directly instead within the job submission script. i.e.:

srun --cpu-freq=2250000 ...

You can find more information on setting the CPU frequency in the User Guide.

Research Software

There are several outstanding issues for the centrally installed Research Software:

  • PLUMED is not yet available. Currently, we recommend affected users to install a local version of the software.

Users should also check individual software pages, for known limitations/ caveats, for the use of software on the Cray EX platform and Cray Linux Environment.

Issues with RPATH for non-default library versions

When you compile applications against non-default versions of libraries within the HPE Cray software stack and use the environment variable CRAY_ADD_RPATH=yes to try and encode the paths to these libraries within the binary this will not be respected at runtime and the binaries will use the default versions instead.

The workaround for this issue is to ensure that you set:


at both compile and runtime. For more details on using non-default versions of libraries, see the description in the User and Best Practice Guide

MPI UCX ERROR: ivb_reg_mr

If you are using the UCX layer for MPI communication you may see an error such as:

[1613401128.440695] [nid001192:11838:0] ib_md.c:325 UCX ERROR ibv_reg_mr(address=0xabcf12c0, length=26400, access=0xf) failed: Cannot allocate memory
[1613401128.440768] [nid001192:11838:0] ucp_mm.c:137 UCX ERROR failed to register address 0xabcf12c0 mem_type bit 0x1 length 26400 on md[4]=mlx5_0: Input/output error (md reg_mem_types 0x15)
[1613401128.440773] [nid001192:11838:0] ucp_request.c:269 UCX ERROR failed to register user buffer datatype 0x8 address 0xabcf12c0 len 26400: Input/output error
MPICH ERROR [Rank 1534] [job id 114930.0] [Mon Feb 15 14:58:48 2021] [unknown] [nid001192] - Abort(672797967) (rank 1534 in comm 0): Fatal error in PMPI_Isend: Other MPI error, error stack:
PMPI_Isend(160)......: MPI_Isend(buf=0xabcf12c0, count=3300, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, dest=1612, tag=4, comm=0x84000004, request=0x7fffb38fa0fc) failed
MPIDI_UCX_send(95)...: returned failed request in UCX netmod(ucx_send.h 95 MPIDI_UCX_send Input/output error)
aborting job:
Fatal error in PMPI_Isend: Other MPI error, error stack:
PMPI_Isend(160)......: MPI_Isend(buf=0xabcf12c0, count=3300, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, dest=1612, tag=4, comm=0x84000004, request=0x7fffb38fa0fc) failed
MPIDI_UCX_send(95)...: returned failed request in UCX netmod(ucx_send.h 95 MPIDI_UCX_send Input/output error)
[1613401128.457254] [nid001192:11838:0] mm_xpmem.c:82 UCX WARN remote segment id 200002e09 apid 200002e3e is not released, refcount 1
[1613401128.457261] [nid001192:11838:0] mm_xpmem.c:82 UCX WARN remote segment id 200002e08 apid 100002e3e is not released, refcount 1

You can add the following line to your job submission script before the srun command to try and workaround this error:

export UCX_IB_REG_METHODS=direct


Setting this flag may have an impact on code performance.

AOCC compiler fails to compile with NetCDF (Added: 2021-11-18)

There is currently a problem with the module file which means cray-netcdf-hdf5parallel will not operate correctly in PrgEnv-aocc. An example of the error seen is:

F90-F-0004-Corrupt or Old Module file /opt/cray/pe/netcdf-hdf5parallel/ (netcdf.F90: 8)

The current workaround for this is to load module epcc-netcdf-hdf5parallel instead if PrgEnv-aocc is required.

Slurm --export option does not work in job submission script

The option --export=ALL propagates all the environment variables from the login node to the compute node. If you include the option in the job submission script, it is wrongly ignored by Slurm. The current workaround is to include the option when the job submission script is launched. For instance:

sbatch --export=ALL myjob.slurm

Recently Resolved Issues