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Software environment: 4-cabinet system


This section covers the software environment on the initial, 4-cabinet ARCHER2 system. For docmentation on the software environment on the full ARCHER2 system, please see Software environment: full system.

The software environment on ARCHER2 is primarily controlled through the module command. By loading and switching software modules you control which software and versions are available to you.


A module is a self-contained description of a software package -- it contains the settings required to run a software package and, usually, encodes required dependencies on other software packages.

By default, all users on ARCHER2 start with the default software environment loaded.

Software modules on ARCHER2 are provided by both HPE Cray (usually known as the Cray Development Environment, CDE) and by EPCC, who provide the Service Provision, and Computational Science and Engineering services.

In this section, we provide:

  • A brief overview of the module command
  • A brief description of how the module command manipulates your environment

Using the module command

We only cover basic usage of the module command here. For full documentation please see the Linux manual page on modules

The module command takes a subcommand to indicate what operation you wish to perform. Common subcommands are:

  • module list [name] - List modules currently loaded in your environment, optionally filtered by [name]
  • module avail [name] - List modules available, optionally filtered by [name]
  • module savelist - List module collections available (usually used for accessing different programming environments)
  • module restore name - Restore the module collection called name (usually used for setting up a programming environment)
  • module load name - Load the module called name into your environment
  • module remove name - Remove the module called name from your environment
  • module swap old new - Swap module new for module old in your environment
  • module help name - Show help information on module name
  • module show name - List what module name actually does to your environment

These are described in more detail below.

Information on the available modules

The module list command will give the names of the modules and their versions you have presently loaded in your environment:

auser@uan01:~> module list
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
1) cpe-aocc                          7) cray-dsmml/0.1.2(default)
2) aocc/             8) perftools-base/20.09.0(default)
3) craype/2.7.0(default)             9) xpmem/2.2.35-
4) craype-x86-rome                  10) cray-mpich/8.0.15(default)
5) libfabric/  11) cray-libsci/
6) craype-network-ofi

Finding out which software modules are available on the system is performed using the module avail command. To list all software modules available, use:

auser@uan01:~> module avail
------------------------------- /opt/cray/pe/perftools/20.09.0/modulefiles --------------------------------
perftools       perftools-lite-events  perftools-lite-hbm    perftools-nwpc     
perftools-lite  perftools-lite-gpu     perftools-lite-loops  perftools-preload  

---------------------------------- /opt/cray/pe/craype/2.7.0/modulefiles ----------------------------------
craype-hugepages1G  craype-hugepages8M   craype-hugepages128M  craype-network-ofi          
craype-hugepages2G  craype-hugepages16M  craype-hugepages256M  craype-network-slingshot10  
craype-hugepages2M  craype-hugepages32M  craype-hugepages512M  craype-x86-rome             
craype-hugepages4M  craype-hugepages64M  craype-network-none   

------------------------------------- /usr/local/Modules/modulefiles --------------------------------------
dot  module-git  module-info  modules  null  use.own  

-------------------------------------- /opt/cray/pe/cpe-prgenv/7.0.0 --------------------------------------
cpe-aocc  cpe-cray  cpe-gnu  

-------------------------------------------- /opt/modulefiles ---------------------------------------------
aocc/  cray-R/  gcc/8.1.0  gcc/9.3.0  gcc/10.1.0(default)  

---------------------------------------- /opt/cray/pe/modulefiles -----------------------------------------
atp/3.7.4(default)              cray-mpich-abi/8.0.15             craype-dl-plugin-py3/20.06.1(default)  
cce/10.0.3(default)             cray-mpich-ucx/8.0.15             craype/2.7.0(default)                  
cray-ccdb/4.7.1(default)        cray-mpich/8.0.15(default)        craypkg-gen/1.3.10(default)            
cray-cti/2.7.3(default)         cray-netcdf-hdf5parallel/  gdb4hpc/4.7.3(default)                 
cray-dsmml/0.1.2(default)       cray-netcdf/               iobuf/2.0.10(default)                  
cray-fftw/      cray-openshmemx/11.1.1(default)   papi/                  
cray-ga/                 cray-parallel-netcdf/     perftools-base/20.09.0(default)        
cray-hdf5-parallel/     cray-pmi-lib/6.0.6(default)       valgrind4hpc/2.7.2(default)            
cray-hdf5/              cray-pmi/6.0.6(default)           
cray-libsci/  cray-python/    

This will list all the names and versions of the modules available on the service. Not all of them may work in your account though due to, for example, licencing restrictions. You will notice that for many modules we have more than one version, each of which is identified by a version number. One of these versions is the default. As the service develops the default version will change and old versions of software may be deleted.

You can list all the modules of a particular type by providing an argument to the module avail command. For example, to list all available versions of the HPE Cray FFTW library, use:

auser@uan01:~> module avail cray-fftw

---------------------------------------- /opt/cray/pe/modulefiles -----------------------------------------

If you want more info on any of the modules, you can use the module help command:

auser@uan01:~> module help cray-fftw

Module Specific Help for /opt/cray/pe/modulefiles/cray-fftw/

  Release Date:
    June 2020

    This Cray FFTW release is supported on Cray Shasta Systems. 
    FFTW is supported on the host CPU but not on the accelerator of Cray systems.

    The Cray FFTW release provides the following:
      - Optimizations for AMD Rome CPUs.
    See the Product and OS Dependencies section for details


The module show command reveals what operations the module actually performs to change your environment when it is loaded. We provide a brief overview of what the significance of these different settings mean below. For example, for the default FFTW module:

auser@uan01:~> module show cray-fftw

conflict        cray-fftw
conflict        fftw
setenv          FFTW_VERSION
setenv          CRAY_FFTW_VERSION
setenv          CRAY_FFTW_PREFIX /opt/cray/pe/fftw/
setenv          FFTW_ROOT /opt/cray/pe/fftw/
setenv          FFTW_DIR /opt/cray/pe/fftw/
setenv          FFTW_INC /opt/cray/pe/fftw/
prepend-path    PATH /opt/cray/pe/fftw/
prepend-path    MANPATH /opt/cray/pe/fftw/
prepend-path    CRAY_LD_LIBRARY_PATH /opt/cray/pe/fftw/
setenv          PE_FFTW_TARGET_x86_skylake x86_skylake
setenv          PE_FFTW_TARGET_x86_rome x86_rome
setenv          PE_FFTW_TARGET_x86_cascadelake x86_cascadelake
setenv          PE_FFTW_TARGET_x86_64 x86_64
setenv          PE_FFTW_TARGET_share share
setenv          PE_FFTW_TARGET_sandybridge sandybridge
setenv          PE_FFTW_TARGET_mic_knl mic_knl
setenv          PE_FFTW_TARGET_ivybridge ivybridge
setenv          PE_FFTW_TARGET_haswell haswell
setenv          PE_FFTW_TARGET_broadwell broadwell
setenv          PE_FFTW_VOLATILE_PKGCONFIG_PATH /opt/cray/pe/fftw/
setenv          PE_FFTW_OMP_REQUIRES { }
setenv          PE_FFTW_OMP_REQUIRES_openmp _mp
setenv          PE_FFTW_PKGCONFIG_LIBS fftw3_mpi:libfftw3_threads:fftw3:fftw3f_mpi:libfftw3f_threads:fftw3f
module-whatis   {FFTW - Fastest Fourier Transform in the West}

Loading, removing and swapping modules

To load a module to use the module load command. For example, to load the default version of HPE Cray FFTW into your environment, use:

auser@uan01:~> module load cray-fftw

Once you have done this, your environment will be setup to use the HPE Cray FFTW library. The above command will load the default version of HPE Cray FFTW. If you need a specific version of the software, you can add more information:

auser@uan01:~> module load cray-fftw/

will load HPE Cray FFTW version into your environment, regardless of the default.

If you want to remove software from your environment, module remove will remove a loaded module:

auser@uan01:~> module remove cray-fftw

will unload what ever version of cray-fftw (even if it is not the default) you might have loaded.

There are many situations in which you might want to change the presently loaded version to a different one, such as trying the latest version which is not yet the default or using a legacy version to keep compatibility with old data. This can be achieved most easily by using module swap oldmodule newmodule.

Suppose you have loaded version of cray-fftw, the following command will change to version

auser@uan01:~> module swap cray-fftw cray-fftw/

You did not need to specify the version of the loaded module in your current environment as this can be inferred as it will be the only one you have loaded.

Changing Programming Environment

The three programming environments PrgEnv-aocc, PrgEnv-cray, PrgEnv-gnu are implemented as module collections. The correct way to change programming environment, that is, change the collection of modules, is therefore via module restore. For example:

auser@uan01:~> module restore PrgEnv-gnu

!!! note there is only one argument, which is the collection to be restored. The command module restore will output a list of modules in the outgoing collection as they are unloaded, and the modules in the incoming collection as they are loaded. If you prefer not to have messages

auser@uan1:~> module -s restore PrgEnv-gnu

will suppress the messages. An attempt to restore a collection which is already loaded will result in no operation.

Module collections are stored in a user's home directory ${HOME}/.module. However, as the home directory is not available to the back end, module restore may fail for batch jobs. In this case, it is possible to restore one of the three standard programming environments via, e.g.,

module restore /etc/cray-pe.d/PrgEnv-gnu

Capturing your environment for reuse

Sometimes it is useful to save the module environment that you are using to compile a piece of code or execute a piece of software. This is saved as a module collection. You can save a collection from your current environment by executing:

auser@uan01:~> module save [collection_name]


If you do not specify the environment name, it is called default.

You can find the list of saved module environments by executing:

auser@uan01:~> module savelist
Named collection list:
 1) default   2) PrgEnv-aocc   3) PrgEnv-cray   4) PrgEnv-gnu 

To list the modules in a collection, you can execute, e.g.,:

auser@uan01:~> module saveshow PrgEnv-gnu
module use --append /opt/cray/pe/perftools/20.09.0/modulefiles
module use --append /opt/cray/pe/craype/2.7.0/modulefiles
module use --append /usr/local/Modules/modulefiles
module use --append /opt/cray/pe/cpe-prgenv/7.0.0
module use --append /opt/modulefiles
module use --append /opt/cray/modulefiles
module use --append /opt/cray/pe/modulefiles
module use --append /opt/cray/pe/craype-targets/default/modulefiles
module load cpe-gnu
module load gcc
module load craype
module load craype-x86-rome
module load --notuasked libfabric
module load craype-network-ofi
module load cray-dsmml
module load perftools-base
module load xpmem
module load cray-mpich
module load cray-libsci
module load /work/y07/shared/archer2-modules/modulefiles-cse/epcc-setup-env

Note again that the details of the collection have been saved to the home directory (the first line of output above). It is possible to save a module collection with a fully qualified path, e.g.,

auser@uan1:~> module save /work/t01/z01/auser/.module/PrgEnv-gnu

which would make it available from the batch system.

To delete a module environment, you can execute:

auser@uan01:~> module saverm <environment_name>

Shell environment overview

When you log in to ARCHER2, you are using the bash shell by default. As any other software, the bash shell has loaded a set of environment variables that can be listed by executing printenv or export.

The environment variables listed before are useful to define the behaviour of the software you run. For instance, OMP_NUM_THREADS define the number of threads.

To define an environment variable, you need to execute:


Please note there are no blanks between the variable name, the assignation symbol, and the value. If the value is a string, enclose the string in double quotation marks.

You can show the value of a specific environment variable if you print it:


Do not forget the dollar symbol. To remove an environment variable, just execute: